Konferenz Landscaping Egypt, Cairo

Veranstaltet von der German University of Cairo suchte die Konferenz nach Modellen für die rapide und sehr unterschiedliche urbanisierte Landschaften Ägyptens um die Verstädterung und der Druck auf die Agrarflächen durch innovative Modelle produktiver (Stadt)Landschaften zu begegnen.

Mit Beiträgen von:
Ahmed Rashed, National Water Research Center, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Cairo
Antje Stokman, Architecture and Landscape, HafenCity University Hamburg
Bryony Dunne, Photographer and Filmmaker, Cairo
Faris Farrag, Bustan Aquaponics, Cairo
Felix Hartenstein, TU Berlin El Gouna
Hala Barakat, Archeobotanist, EIPR, Cairo
Hana Nazer, Department of Geography, Fayoum University
Hany El Kateb, Institute of Silviculture, TU Munich tbc
Helmy Abouleish, Sekem, Bilbeis tbc
Jerry van Eyck, !melk landscape architects NYC
Laila Elmasry, Sites International, Cairo
Maged El Said, Habiba Organic Farm, Nuweiba
May Al-Ibrashy, architect and architecture historian, Al Athar Lina Initiative, Cairo
Mohamed Salheen, IUSD Ain Shams University Cairo tbc
Sherif Hosny, Schaduf, Cairo
Undine Giseke, Urban Landscape Design TU Berlin, TU Berlin El Gouna
Ashraf ElSadek, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute Bari, Desert Research Center Egypt




An Experience-Based Learning Framework: Activities for the Initial Development of Sustainability Competencies

Caniglia, G., John, B., Kohler, M, Belina, L., Wiek, A., Rojas, C., Laubicher, W., Lang, D. 2016. „An Experience-Based Learning Framework: Activities for the Initial Development of Sustainability Competencies“. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 17(6):827–52.
This paper aims to present an experience-based learning framework that provides a bottom-up, student-centered entrance point for the development of systems thinking, normative and collaborative competencies in sustainability. Design/methodology/approach The framework combines mental mapping with exploratory walking. It interweaves mapping and walking activities with methodological and theoretical inputs as well as with reflections and discussions. The framework aligns experiential activities, i.e. mental mapping and walking, with learning objectives, i.e. novice-level sustainability competencies. The authors applied the framework for student activities in Phoenix/Tempe and Hamburg/Lüneburg as part of The Global Classroom, a project between Arizona State University in the USA and Leuphana University of Lüneburg in Germany. Findings The application of the experience-based learning framework demonstrates how students started developing systems thinking (e.g. understanding urban systems as functional entities and across different domains), normative (e.g. using different sustainability principles) and collaborative (e.g. learning across disciplinary, social and cultural differences) competencies in sustainability. Originality/value The experience-based learning framework contributes to the development of curricular activities for the initial development of sustainability competencies in introductory-level courses. It enables students from different disciplinary, social and cultural backgrounds, e.g. in international education, to collaboratively start developing such competencies. The framework can be adapted to different educational contexts.

HafenCity Hamburg. Neue urbane Begegnungsorte zwischen Metropole und Nachbarschaft

Bruns-Berentelg, Jürgen, Angelus Eisinger, Martin Kohler, und Marcus Menzl, Hrsg. 2010. HafenCity Hamburg – Neue urbane Begegnungsorte zwischen Metropole und Nachbarschaft / Places of Urban Encounter between Metropolis and Neighborhood. Wien: Springer.

Die HafenCity ist mit einer Fläche von 157 Hektar eines der markantesten innenstädtischen Stadtentwicklungsvorhaben Europas und wird die Hamburger Innenstadt um 40 % erweitern. Der Entwicklungszeitraum für das gesamte Gebiet erstreckt sich bis 2020-25.

Zwischen historischer Speicherstadt und Elbe entsteht eine neue Stadt mit einer urbanen Mischung aus Wohnen, Dienstleistung, Kultur, Freizeit, Tourismus und Geschäften. Es handelt sich um eine völlig neu entworfene urbane Kernstadt. Dabei entstehen öffentliche Begegnungsorte, Nachbarschaftsorte, Arbeitsorte und Besucherorte in komplexer räumlicher Überlagerung und zeitlicher Differenzierung.

Dieses Buch dokumentiert erstmalig systematisch die entstandenen Begegnungsqualitäten und -formen und ordnet sie planerisch, kultursoziologisch und stadtsoziologisch in den komplexen Prozess urbaner Transformation ein. Als Trägermedium dieser Beobachtung dient die Fotografie. Durch diese Form qualitativer Forschung wird, wie mit der HafenCity selbst, Neuland betreten.




Tagging Places

Kohler, Martin. 2006. „Tagging places: Transformation process – autonome use – site-specific art“. S. 71–75 in HAFENSAFARI4. Hamburg.


In the past few years, artistic projects in the abandoned and unused areas of Hamburg’s harbor – which is slowly being filled with new, urban uses – have positioned themselves as a way to make art part of daily life for Hamburg’s citizens.

In this context, off-scene projects have a tendency to end up in a no-man’sland between the media and economy with their interests in instrumentalisation on one hand, and their own artistic and political autonomy on the other. Some of these projects develop similar reactions on a strategic level, which have interesting relationships to today’s urban development projects…

Projekt: http://www.hafensafari.de
Text: https://www.researchgate.net/