Sheldons in action! Eintauchen in eine vr unterwasserwelt. #wp
Kategorie: Twitter
TW: Safari Collective im Yoko Club. 21.12.2017. 0 Uhr. #WP
TW: NYT: Pittsburgh Welcomed Uber’s Driverless Car Experiment. Not Anymore. #wp
NYT: Pittsburgh Welcomed Uber’s Driverless Car Experiment. Not Anymore. #wp
TW: Campbell Baracks: Nachnutzung des ex-NATO Hauptquartiers zum „Band des Wissens“ #iba #heidelberg Was soll in die Mitte? Jurysitzung. #wp
Campbell Baracks: Nachnutzung des ex-NATO Hauptquartiers zum "Band des Wissens" #iba #heidelberg Was soll in die Mitte? Jurysitzung. #wp
— offimk (@mrtnklr) April 30, 2017
TW: SafariCollective @JohnLemon: 21 Uhr. Heute Musik. Keine Eier. #wp
SafariCollective @JohnLemon: 21 Uhr. Heute! #wp
— offimk (@mrtnklr) April 19, 2017
TW: Gibson’s car flight and the entire story that follows point to one indisputable fact: Borders today are fragil…
""Gibson’s car flight and the entire story that follows point to one indisputable fact: Borders today are fragil…"
— offimk (@mrtnklr) April 8, 2017
TW: SafariCollective @YokoMono : 21 Uhr. Musik vom Feinsten und Gröbsten. #wp
SafariCollective @YokoMono : 21 Uhr. Musik vom Feinsten und Gröbsten. #wp
— offimk (@mrtnklr) March 19, 2017
TW: “The paywall is not the problem, the problem is people losing interest.“ #mid15 panel discussion on hyperlocal.
''The paywall is not the problem, the problem is people losing interest.'' #mid15 panel discussion on hyperlocal.
— Alison Haywood (@alison_haywood) October 7, 2015